Student Nurse Laura

Orem – "creative effort of one human being to help another human being."

Posts Tagged ‘myocarditis’

Some images worth reviewing

Posted by Laura on May 22, 2010

Tulane University School of Medicine

Pericarditis – here you can see and imagine the pain a person would have. S/S of Pericarditis: pain, pericardial friction rub, pain aggravated by breathing, Dyspnea, Fever (it looks hot!), Decreased cardiac output (you wouldn’t want it to move!) Treatment: Antibiotics  Diagnosis: see below  Leads to:  See the pericardial effusion

Echocardiogram to confirm pericarditis or pericardial effusion

Myxoma  – what does “oma” mean?      not “coma” so …. “oma” means it is benign, this is more a cancer item, but I had to throw it in. Luckily this can be removed. Benign.

Rheumatic Mitral Valve            – when you see the obstruction of the blood flow here due to the thickening or inflammation, you can see how rhematic endocarditis can cause Mitral Stenosis.                   

Ventricular Hypertrophy  – caused by increased work of the left ventricle – increased afterload (resistance) will make the heart over work.

Infective Endocarditis – s/s: malaise, wT loss, cough, back and joint pain w/fever. Leads to deformity of the leaflets. Treatment: Antibiotics – prophylaxis (esp before dental procedures). Leads to: CHF, CVA

Aortic Valve: destructive endocarditis caused by staph aureus, with abscess cavity under the pulmonary artery (aortic valve removed)
(RCA – right coronary artery, LCA – left coronary artery, MV – mitral valve)

Valve Disease Chart

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