Student Nurse Laura

Orem – "creative effort of one human being to help another human being."

Posts Tagged ‘American Cancer Society’

American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days Campaign

Posted by Laura on February 17, 2010

“I am sending this to you, Laura, as the class president, and Diane because of our discussion on Thursday.  If you think this would be of interest to your classmates, please pass it on.  Also, if anyone would be interested in helping distribute the daffodils on March 22, they may contact me.   Thank you!    Mrs. Dickinson
I am the college representative for the American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days campaign.”

The daffodil is a symbol of hope and renewal. To the American Cancer Society, daffodils represent the hope we all share for a world with less cancer and more birthdays – one where cancer never steals another year from anyone’s life.   During my career as a registered nurse I have personally seen the progress in treatments and survival rates for patients with cancer.

 By making a Daffodil Days donation, you will be doing more than giving or receiving beautiful flowers; you will be sharing hope for a future free of cancer by raising funds and awareness to beat the disease.

Use the link at the bottom of this page to make a donation.  Cut and paste it into your browser.

You can donate on this Web site until Friday, February 26, 2010 at 5 PM. Actual daffodil delivery will be available during the week of March 22, 2010.

Please make your donation using the Place an Order button on the AVCollege page.

Thank you for supporting Daffodil Days and for helping save lives from cancer.

Debra Dickinson, RN, MN,         Health Sciences Division

This is absolutely a wonderful way to support the cancer research. The page link above gives the place to donate. Let’s try to make Debra Dickinson’s goal! If you are interested in helping with delivery, please send her an email at – Laura


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