Student Nurse Laura

Orem – "creative effort of one human being to help another human being."

Study Question on HTN

Posted by Laura on May 9, 2010


My son 21 was at the doctor. His BP was over 140 systolic, again! Can he be diagnosed as HTN? He is skinny, walks all over the UCLA campus, tells me he doesn’t smoke or drink too much. My dad has HTN. What type of HTN does he have?

What is the percent of the people diagnosed with HTN have this?

What would be his first action to lower his BP?

If this doesn’t work, what would be the 2nd Step?

I don’t see any excess fluid on him. No way. His 24 urine last year showed elevations of epinephrine and norepinephrine. His ultrasound of his kidneys was WNL, no tumors. His ECG showed elevated T waves – so his K+ is high enough – therefore we know he doesn’t have a secondary cause such as  A______ or C______ disease.

What drug would block the adrenergic receptors stimulation from the epinephrine/norepinephrine?

 What drugs would decrease peripheral resistance? Which ones decrease contractility? Which work on blood volume?

The 1st doctor said he will probably continue to have high BP and slowly continue to go higher…. what type of HTN is that?

The concern w/nursing managment of HTN is __________, based on statistics, he has a ___% chance of ____________ treatment in the   _____ year.

Have fun studying!!



One Response to “Study Question on HTN”

  1. Gary said

    Coffee? Red Bull?

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